Jake Reed

HackSI 2019 (Day One)

November 03, 2019

One of my most favorite times of year is back! I traveled down to Southern Illinois (Carbondale) to volunteer at one of the best hackathons I get to be a part of, HackSI. I got into Carbondale Friday night and spent time walking around the town of my alma mater. Even though it’s only been a year since I have been down here, it feels like it has been a lot longer than that.

Morning of Day One

Good morning Hackers!

I forgot how much of a morning person I am not. Getting up at 5:00 AM was rough. Once I had some coffee in me, it was a little better. Time to get ready for the hackers to arrive! Dav’s opening talk was great as always and it seems everyone was more than ready for the day to start!

Rest of the Day

The rest of the day was pretty fun. I spent most of the day assisting with the 3D printers. I took some pretty sweet time lapses to boot!

At one point someone (not going to name names) had managed to glue them selves to the build plate. That was probably the most exciting part of the day.

After a long day I was more than ready to turn in for the night early. Ready for day two!

Jake Reed

A blog by Jake Reed. Working at Mastercard in St. Louis. You should follow him on Twitter.

Jake Reed © 2021